



PO Box 740241

Atlanta, GA, 30374

Re:   Personal Information Corrections

To Whom It May Concern:


I recently pulled a copy of my credit report and noticed personal information which is in error. I have circled the correct information on the attached copy of my recent credit report and I crossed out any erroneous information that should be deleted or corrected. Please remove all identified inaccuracies and make all updates I have noted.


I have attached documentation proof of my identity so there is no question as to who is sending you this request.


With the amount of identity theft going on, I am very fearful that someone could mistakenly identify me as someone else with this incorrect information on my credit report.





                                                                                                  Marcus Escobedo

                                                                              8363 W San Juan Ave

                                                                              Glendale, AZ 85305

                                                                              SSN: 455-57-1027

                                                                              DOB: 01/20/1980